The Illuminator I.
Snap a set of red lenses into your rear stock turn signals and install the iIluminator module. Now your bike has 3 running lights, hit your brake and you have three brake lights, touch your turn signal button and you maintain your turn signal function while the other side remains a running light, or if you’re braking, a brake light. This unit has a built-in Load Equalizer.
Fits H-Ds: XL, FX and FL models from 73 thru 84, and Custom
Motorcycles. Also fits any motorcycle with modified wiring or with- out factory plugs.
Snap a set of red lenses into your rear stock turn signals and install the iIluminator module. Now your bike has 3 running lights, hit your brake and you have three brake lights, touch your turn signal button and you maintain your turn signal function while the other side remains a running light, or if you’re braking, a brake light. This unit has a built-in Load Equalizer.
Fits H-Ds: XL, FX and FL models from 73 thru 84, and Custom
Motorcycles. Also fits any motorcycle with modified wiring or with- out factory plugs.